Přes SG Account Portal https://account.survival-games.cz, pošlete tyto náležitosti:
1) Jméno, které chcete unregistrovat.
2) Vaši IP adresu, jež se musí shodovat s databází. https://www.whatismyip.com
3) Nejlépe nějaké screeny, které zašlete jako důkazní přílohu.
4) Taktéž můžete připsat počet coinů.
EN Version
Through SG Account Portal https://account.survival-games.cz send this essential information:
1) The nickname which you want to unregister.
2) Your IP address which has to match with an address in our database -> https://www.whatismyip.com.
3) It would be appropriate to send few screenshots from the server, that'll serve as a proof that you own the account.
4) You can also add the amount of Coins and Gems you‘ve acquired.